Monday 12 December 2011

Sunday 11 December 2011

Sometimes I like being alone but

I like drinking coffee alone, and reading alone.

I like riding the bus alone, and walking home alone.

It gives me time to think, and set my mind free.

I like eating alone, and listening to music alone.

But when I see a mother with her child;

A girl with her lover;

Or a friend laughing with their best friend;

I realize that even though I like being alone.

I don’t fancy being lonely
The sky is beautiful, but the people are sad.

I just need someone who won’t run away.

credit: solitaryland

Thursday 8 December 2011

A journey

Life was never easy. Sometimes it went so well but sometimes it went so (even I don't know how to describe it myself)
Sometimes I hope I will be tested but sometimes its tough. so tough. 

Wednesday 7 December 2011

Sunday 4 December 2011

Sunday 27 November 2011

Meat Balls

Like seriously, i was craving for it. Had been mumbling around on how much i had been missing the meatballs.
Almost every time, I mumbled around the office, to the staff. I guessed they got annoyed by me at times.

Look at the balls, nyum nyum :P

Tuesday 8 November 2011

The Seven Deadly Cheesy Sins

Have you tried the latest Ultimate 7 Cheesy Pizza? I tell you its ultimate cheezzzzy..
Went and tried it with my friend the other day. 100% proven that it is super cheezy and you will be damn full. I repeat DAMN FULL.

Tips:  Please empty your stomach as in like really EMPTY if not...YOU WILL KNOW WHY LATER :)

Monday 7 November 2011

back again?

Hey there. I am back again. I guess its been like quite some time I quit blogging or shall I say I deleted them away. This would be my erkkk....4th or even the 5th blog ? 

I guess for the first post, well I need to re-introduce myself again. I have loads of names actually. Iz, Zach, Mad, and etc so I guess its your call what you wanna call me then :) I like loads of stuff too..architecture, interior, graphics,photography, fashion, gadgets, cars, bike and more and more again.  I just never sit still to one interest :P

Its hard to decide what to post and what to write for the first post, and I guess it must be kinda bored. So wait for them ! There will be more to come :) 

Till then, CIAO !